
For the important relationships in your life

April has written two books along her journey that will empower you to live authentically in your important relationships.

Both books will provide you with steps, tools, bible verses, and prayers to help you manage the phases that you experience in the important relationships in your life. 

Single Dose: Finding Peace, Fulfillment, and Contentment Being Single

Manage the emotional phases of divorce - grief, anger, unforgiveness, low self-esteem.


Realize how to make the best of the loneliness you sometimes experience.

Discover the rewards of single parenting, budgeting, and dating.

Live your life with passion and purpose.

From Me to Us: 4 Steps from Single to Married Life

Take time to get to know yourself first.

Get to know your fiancé or spouse better.

Shift your mindset for married life.

Merge lifestyles, personalities, resources, and dreams with your future spouse.


Create and maintain lifelong intimacy in your marriage.