Welcome to April Crimbley Books

Single Dose: Finding Peace, Fulfillment, and Contentment Being Single

Single Dose will help you manage the emotional phases of divorce...

...the grief that comes with losing someone you love.

...moments of anger when dealing with betrayal.

...the struggle with unforgiveness that tries to creep in and prevent you from moving forward.

...low self-esteem that attempts to put undeserving blame on you.


As you read Single Dose, you will:

...learn how to move forward after divorce.

...Discover the rewards of living single with passion.

...Confirm your life purpose through self-exploration and hope.

From Me to Us: 4 Steps from Single to Married Life

From Me to Us will show you the importance of taking time to get to know yourself first before getting married.

As you read From Me to Us, you will be prepared to:

...get to know yourself and your fiancé or spouse better.

...shift your mindset for married life.

 ...merge lifestyles, personalities, resources, and dreams successfully with your future spouse.

 ...thrive as you create and maintain lifelong intimacy in your marriage.

Author, Life Coach, Career Coach

Hello! My name is April!

My passion in life is to help others discover their purpose and to have positive communication with the important people in their life.

I believe that as we learn how to love each other through empathy and effective communication, we can grow together in unity. I believe the foundation for this is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  

My books are birthed from my life experiences. I also have a training and development background and certifications in areas such as leadership, life skills, money management, self-esteem, resume writing, interviewing, and life purpose.

Writing and teaching are gifts that God has blessed me with and I am committed to offering those gifts to as many people as I can reach. 

My prayer is that my books will inspire you to live an authentic and fulfilling life.

 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.  It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. (1 Corinthians 13:6-7)
